Bet On Your Health With Friends

GymBet will help you and your friends meet your fitness goals by putting cash on the line!

How It Works


GymBet is a mobile app that’ll help to hold you and your friends accountable. The app tracks your gym visits throughout the week to ensure your fitness goals are on track and you’ll have something to lose if not. If you do hold up your end of the bargain, you could be rewarded!

Here’s an example: You and three friends want to hold each other accountable to attend the gym at least 4 days a week. Each of you puts in $5 to the group pot. If you succeed in going to the gym 4 times that week, you keep your money and it stays in the pot for the next week. If someone fails, that individual’s bet is dispursed evenly among the rest of the group!

Custom Workout Goals

Change your group settings to fit your goals. Adjust the workout duration required, frequency, goal period, or the amount of money you’re betting.

GPS Check-ins

Of course your gym visit will need to be verified to see who’s slacking and who’s succeeding in your group!

Group Management

Easily invite your friends to join your group. Add new friends and family members as the group grows. Feel free to join multiple groups!

Wearable Integration

GymBet will also allow you to log your workouts via wearable tech like Apple Watches, FitBits, etc!

Automatic Payouts

Connect your bank info, PayPal, or Venmo to get paid automatically when you succeed in hitting your daily, weekly, or monthly goals.

Chat Features

We help you and your friends hold each other accountable by including a group chat directly within the app!

Contact Us

Have feedback or questions about GymBet? Contact us at [email protected] or submit the form below.

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Hi! My name is Zak and I’m the founder of GymBet. To explain the origin of GymBet, it’s easiest to talk about myself 🙂  I’m in my late 20s, a software engineer by trade,  and someone who stays extremely active. Health has always been fairly important to me, so naturally, I started going to the gym. But how hard is it to stay focused and consistent?! I’ve always had difficulty, as I would let life get in the way. Then, before you knew it, I had skipped the gym for 6 months and was in terrible shape. That led my friend and I to an idea: we’d make a pact that we’d both go to the gym at least 5 days a week. If we failed, we had to pay the other $10. The threat of losing money to my friend worked miracles for me! I found myself in the best shape of my life. I was consistently going to the gym, which in turn, motivated me to eat healthier. Maybe someday, I’ll post before and after pictures. As we continued this journey and shared our simple little trick with others, we had a few people join in our “gym bet”, and even some other friends start a group of their own. It worked ok at first; just sending pictures of the gym 5 times a week to a group chat. But with the group expanding, it became difficult to log who missed what days. Excusing people when traveling got confusing. People were forgetting to send their pictures. Then I said, “wait a second, why isn’t this an app??” I work in tech, after all.  Thus GymBet was born! I have a lot of ideas on the enhancements of GymBet and I’m excited to see others get in great shape just like it helped my friends and I. I’d love to hear any feedback or ideas you may have!