GymBet Blog

Exercise Boosts Mental Health

Exercise Boosts Mental Health

Exercise is not just about aerobic abilities, big muscular body, and six-packs. Surely a good workout does give you all those physical benefits, but did you know exercise boosts mental health as well? People who exercise regularly tend to enjoy an enormous sense of...

How to Develop a Consistent Routine to Stay Fit

Developing a routine to stay fit is more than just setting strict rules to follow every day. It is also about the little things you can do to reach your health and fitness goals. You don’t need to get from zero to a hundred in the blink of an eye. It’s best to take...

Overcoming Your Fitness Plateau

Overcoming Your Fitness Plateau

Image Source: Pexels Do you feel your body has stopped making progress even after a good workout regime? Don’t worry; hitting a roadblock is a common setback everyone experiences on a fitness journey. All you need is to understand what fitness plateau is? How the body...

Tips To Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Introduction It is everybody's dream to be physically fit. But it's puzzling how some people are not physically fit despite the longing and desire to be fit. It is also puzzling how some folks start the fitness goals journey but can't keep up in the long run....

Starting GymBet: Holding your friends accountable to workout

Starting GymBet: Holding your friends accountable to workout

About Me First, I'm just going to copy and paste the about section from my homepage so I don't have to repeat anything: Hi! My name is Zak and I’m the founder of GymBet. To explain the origin of GymBet, it’s easiest to talk about myself 🙂  I’m in my late 20s, a...

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